Athlete Interview #1 : Brooks Cowan

Borger Endurance: Can you give me a quick bio & tell me a bit about your athletic background
Brooks Cowan: I’m 24 years old and grew up
swimming for Anderson Barracudas in Ohio
and Mach 3 Flyers in Minnesota. Becky Lavelle and I were on the same team at
one point, small world right? I Played
soccer as well and quit swimming in 7th grade to focus on that. I walked on to Miami (Ohio) University
Track & Cross Country team, mainly as an 800 runner, but I had a bunch of
injuries and started swimming again to cross train when I was 19. I hopped into a club meet and went 55.5 in
the 100 fly and 51.0 in the 100 free so I thought once my legs get healthy, I
should get into triathlon.
Unfortunately, by the end of junior year I had had 4 stress fractures
and Achilles tendonitis. I decided to
walk on to Miami’s
swim team as a 100-200 butterflyer my senior year, enjoy being on a team and
competing for my school, and give my legs a break. I’ve had a few blips here and there but since
summer 2009, I’ve been fairly consistent and healthy and have seen a steady
progression in my triathlon performances.
BE: You previously were training in Boulder, Colorado then recently moved away from the mecca of triathlon. Why did you decide to leave, and where are your living now?

I learned that living in Boulder
doesn’t make people fast, but rather out-hustling the competition does. Most top triathletes were fast before they
moved to Boulder, and I can train hard anywhere. Traveling to races from Colorado was very expensive as well. Leaving Colorado allowed me to race the Evergreen Triathlon on
my way home to Troy, Michigan as well as placed me within a 4 hour drive of the Columbus
Triathlon, the Chicago Tri, and Rev 3 Cedar Point.
I was able to carpool to Chicago with friends and thankfully didn’t have to pay for gas or housing, which was a help.
BE: Explain how your life has been as a
first-year/rookie pro this year?

BE: A few weeks ago after the Chicago Triathlon you told me you were headed home, going to look for a "real" business job, as opposed to working in restaurants and bars as you have the past few years. Is this still the plan? If so, how will this fit with your triathlon training? After hearing that, I got the feeling you were sick of living the poor man's life, working late hours at restaurants while trying to train a lot during the day, and thinking of moving on from the sport. Is this true, or was I wrong? After going 9 flat in the Ironman at your first run at it, seems like it would be hard to stop now, right?
Cowan: Working in bars meant that I made
most of my money on weekends, so leaving town for a race was a big opportunity
cost. I was 12th at Escape
from Alcatraz, 1:30 behind the final money spot, and I got home Monday night with 67
cents to my name. My next shift wasn’t until 5pm Tuesday so all I had to eat was
10 eggs and a jar of salsa between the time.
I would like to prevent
situations like that, which is why I have been applying for business jobs. I’ve worked 30-50 hours a week in restaurants
getting home between 2-4 am
so a 9am-5pm job seems
pretty nice to me. That way I could
afford triathlon equipment, not have to borrow everything, and have weekends
off to go to races. I’m not moving on
from triathlon, I would just like to make the bulk of my income on weekdays so
I can travel on weekends.
That 9 flat Ironman and the
paycheck with it has been quite a teaser.
9:00 doesn’t pay the
bills but based on my preparation and knowledge of the event, it makes me
wonder how much faster I can be. Racing
fast takes patience and hard work and this sport isn’t cheap so I need to find
a way to pay for it. The idea of being a
couch surfing triathlete is always lingering in the back of my head though.
BE: You recently decided to hop in the
Rev3 Cedar Point Iron distance race two weeks ago, and surprised a few people
with a 9:00 & 6th place
finish. What made you sign up for that race after racing strictly Olympic
distance races this season, and much less only training for the Olympic distance? Did you do any half iron distance races, or skip
that distance and go right into the full?
Cowan: Since I returned to Michigan, my high school
4x800m teammates and I have gotten together every Tuesday night for beers. We all competed in college and still do races
so it’s been fun to catch up. The
Tuesday before the Chicago Triathlon we were speculating how fast I could do an
Ironman. I said that if I had a great
day, I could go 50-5:00-3:00 [sub 9 hours] but they didn’t believe me. The more I talked about it the more I
believed I could. I also had two broken
bikes of my own, one borrowed bike that was broken, and was currently borrowing
Mike Luginbill’s bike, one of the friends I was debating this with. Looking at the Rev 3 prize purse I thought I
might as well go for it, I’ve got nothing to lose and any cash prize would help
me get my bikes fixed. So I signed up
without having done a 70.3 or even a marathon before. $2750 is a nice reward and I am in the
process of getting my own bikes fixed up.
BE: What was your training like leading into the race? Did you get in any longer workouts? You can't really just 'wing-it' going out fast in an Ironman and not blow up completely, or can you?
BE: What was your training like leading into the race? Did you get in any longer workouts? You can't really just 'wing-it' going out fast in an Ironman and not blow up completely, or can you?
Cowan: I signed up a couple days after
the Chicago Triathlon. I went out to
Stoney Creek MetroPark three times and did acceleration rides around the 10k
loop with each lap getting faster. 48
miles on Aug 31st, 60
miles on Sept 4, and 48 miles again on Sept 7.
I did a good job of locking into my goal Ironman pace because I basically
hit the same pace during the race.
BE: Describe how the race went, and what
you were thinking throughout it?
Cowan: I read somewhere that Paula
Newby Fraser described the Ironman as “crisis management” which could also be an
accurate description of my day-to-day life.
What was interesting about the Ironman race was the internal debate
going on in my mind. For 7 of the 9
hours, I had the option of speeding up, slowing down, or maintaining, and kept
having to decide…over and over. My
mentality going in was “get after it.” 140
miles is going to hurt no matter what so I figured going harder than what felt
comfortable, chasing the guys ahead of me, and trying to hold off the guys
behind me would get my adrenaline going and make the race go by faster.
I crashed so hard the last 13
miles though, it was brutal. It was a 2
lap run and my 1st lap was a 1:30 [1/2 marathon]. After that I had to stop a bunch because my
legs were locking up from cramps. I kept
repeating to myself, “Cramp & Rally Baby!”
I brought it home in a 1:44
2nd lap, good enough for a 3:14
marathon. This was also the first time I
had ever run more than 16 miles so I think with better pacing, nutrition, and
focused training I can do much better.
BE: Pretty impressive on Olympic distance training, I must say. What was your race day nutrition plan?
Cowan: I wanted to grab a Gatorade and a GU at every aid station, but I knew I might be in trouble when I wasn’t seeing any GU at the aid stations. I only taped 4 GUs to my bike and was able to grab 2 more on the bike course but I will definitely have more than 6 next time. I had 7 Gatorades and 2x Red Bulls on the bike as well, which I think was a mistake. Next time I will have a lot more Gatorade and Gels on the bike and then save the red bull for my special needs bag on the run so the Sugar crash/caffeine crash doesn’t hit me in the middle of the run, that was really rough.
BE: Had you been working with a coach at all this year? If so, were they supportive of this jump into the Ironman distance race without perhaps, ideal Ironman training?
Cowan: I wanted to grab a Gatorade and a GU at every aid station, but I knew I might be in trouble when I wasn’t seeing any GU at the aid stations. I only taped 4 GUs to my bike and was able to grab 2 more on the bike course but I will definitely have more than 6 next time. I had 7 Gatorades and 2x Red Bulls on the bike as well, which I think was a mistake. Next time I will have a lot more Gatorade and Gels on the bike and then save the red bull for my special needs bag on the run so the Sugar crash/caffeine crash doesn’t hit me in the middle of the run, that was really rough.
BE: Had you been working with a coach at all this year? If so, were they supportive of this jump into the Ironman distance race without perhaps, ideal Ironman training?
Cowan: I worked with Grant Holicky and
Neal Henderson at Apex Coaching from April to mid July. I’ve just been coaching myself since leaving Colorado. They are awesome coaches who really helped me
out and I enjoyed training with that group.
I used to work 5pm to 2am,
get up at 7:30am and then do
a swim-bike- run workout with them from 8am
to almost 1pm so I figured
if I could get through that, I could get through an Ironman, especially after
those computrainer days ;) Since then
I’ve been on the wake-up and make something up plan.
BE: Is it true you raced on a borrowed bike, and stayed up til past midnight the night before watching TV with your homestay?
BE: Is it true you raced on a borrowed bike, and stayed up til past midnight the night before watching TV with your homestay?

BE: What's next for you?
Cowan: Not sure, I really just need to
make up my mind. Putting in a solid 8
week block dedicated to going fast at Ironman Arizona would be interesting. It would probably be a bad decision but trying
to make good decisions never really works out for me.
BE: How can people's keep tabs on your in the future? Do you have a website, blog, or Twitter account?
BE: How can people's keep tabs on your in the future? Do you have a website, blog, or Twitter account?
Cowan: Yes, my blog is and Twitter name is @TBrooksCowan